/ Shuttle - Course
The Textile Centre Haslach in cooperation with the textile department of the Kunstuniversität Linz offers a one-year course as well as several advanced training seminars in the field of weaving. The course bears the title “SHUTTLE. A course for the innovative culture of weaving”. It is extra-occupational and on a modular basis, and is directed at persons with an initial training/knowledge in textiles who want to extend their knowledge and want to acquire additional qualifications.
The aim of this course is to strengthen the interface between manufacture and design. It is directed at persons with artistic training as well as persons with training in textile engineering or long-standing professional experience equally. The classes are held on the premises of the Textile Centre Haslach where looms and technical equipment from the former Textile College at Haslach are available for this new type of training.
SHUTTLE aims to strengthen the links between art and design, science, industry and manufacturing in the field of weaving, and act as a forum for contemporary textile related developments and exchange of information. Persons with either a background in design or textile engineering or a training in the craft of weaving, work together in small groups coached by experienced experts, and profit from each other. In this type of instruction there is room for the realisation of artistic ideas on machines and novel conceptual approaches in the field of applied design. It is meant to be the matrix for long-term fruitful collaborations.
[ > photos of the Shuttle-Course 2013/14 ]
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