/ Further museums in Haslach
All information about the other museums in Haslach can be found at https://haslach-erleben.at/
Mechanische Klangfabrik
Curious musical instruments, music boxes and entire orchestras from the Baroque to the present day entertain you in the museum Mechanische Klangfabrik. Over a hundred exhibits from 1750 to 1960 convey nostalgia, fascinating technology and the best musical entertainment. During a guided tour, the instruments are played and their inner workings are demonstrated.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/mechanische-klangfabrik
In the fully stocked general shop of the Kaufmannsmuseum, you can experience an authentic shopping atmosphere from around 1920: colourful drawers with everyday items, nostalgic-looking advertising boards, historic packaging, colonial goods and much more will take you back to a time when local supplies played a central role in the village.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/kaufmannsmuseum
Heritage house in the old tower
The Old Tower is one of Haslach's most recognisable landmarks. Once part of a fortified defence system, the historic building provides the ideal setting for Haslach's local history museum. Old views of the town, a model of Haslach around 1800 and many other interesting exhibits from the world of life and work bring the town's varied past to life.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/alter-turm
Mühlviertler Oil Mill
The Mühlviertler Oil Mill is a traditional Haslach company that produces valuable linseed oil from linseed. Other high-quality edible oils are also pressed. An exhibition of historical equipment is attached to the production plant in the picturesque setting of the old mill, which can be visited as part of a guided tour.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/muehlviertler-oelmuehle | https://www.oelmuehle-haslach.at
Manufaktur Haslach
Manufaktur Haslach is a socio-economic enterprise that processes wool from sheep farmers in the region into a wide variety of felt products, yarns and fabrics. During a tour of the factory, the production chain from the raw wool to the solid quality product becomes clear. The tour is organised by the "Alom" association, an initiative for working and learning in the Upper Mühlviertel.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/manufaktur-haslach | https://manufaktur-haslach.at/de
Walkabout and Church Tower
During a tour of the historic weavers’ town, you will be taken to the most interesting places in Haslach and learn a lot of background information about the historical context and current life in the town. You also have the opportunity to visit the church tower. The gallery offers a wonderful view of the town centre and the entire surrounding area.
More information: https://haslach-erleben.at/ortsrundgang-kirchturmbegehung